There aren't that many people who live alone, but those who do and who are also elderly or vulnerable, deserve our care don't they?
PTSD and Grieving in Lockdown
What may not be apparent to us at this point in time is that we are in the midst of a traumatic event. Not everyone will experience this the same way, but we are united in our being caught up in this. There is, it seems, no area of society that is untouched by the impact of this virus.
Coronavirus and Grief
We are all missing things that are important to us and, without the power to resolve that, we are left in the helpless grip of grief.
Views of Jesus
If you took a poll of neighbours and acquaintances, asking the question, “Who is Jesus?”, most people would give one of a series of answers.
Is God on Lockdown?
When everything around us changes, God remains true. When all routine halts, God remains active. When the world is in chaos, God is strong.
Theology from the Cross - Part 4
Jesus’ resurrection reveals to us a new way of doing things. We must take responsibility for ourselves, forgive others, love our enemies.
Theology from the Cross - Part 3
When, upon the cross, Jesus declared “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing”, it is an interesting statement to make
Theology from the Cross - Part 2
It could be, then, that at that moment, God lacked Godself and cried out in pure humanity “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Theology from the Cross - Part 1
Of all the things one might have expected Jesus, God incarnate, to cry out as he was hanging from the cross, this probably wasn't it.